Showing posts with label Book of Ephesians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book of Ephesians. Show all posts

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Ephesians 3 - Christ May Dwell in Your Heart Through Faith Quiet Book Page

  In Ephesians chapter 3, Paul explains that Gentiles can become heirs alongside Israel, and share in access to God through faith in Christ. 

Memory Verse: "so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17-19 (NIV).


Materials needed to create the Christ May Dwell in Your Heart Through Faith quiet book page:

  • A4 felt background sheet - I used bright blue
  • my free template
  • red/pink felt for the heart
  • a ribbon to match the felt colour of the heart - I used an organza ribbon and did some tacking and gathering on it
  • felt scraps in mid brown, white, and dark brown for Jesus
  • awl and/or darning needle
  • sewing thread to best match the page
  • scissors!
Cut out your heart from felt and sew it onto the middle of your page. Add the ribbon to the top edge of the pocket part of your heart before sewing it down over the bottom section of the heart.

Tacking and gathering the organza ribbon.

Cut out two feet and hands from your mid brown felt (reverse the pattern to make the right and left sides), sew them down and cut them out. Cut out a tunic from white felt and sandwich the hands and feet between it and a piece of white felt on the bottom. Sew the tunic down and cut it out, making sure to bend back the hands and feet as you go.

Cut out a face from mid brown felt and a hair and beard piece from dark brown felt. Position the hair/beard over the head and sew it down around the mouth and face. Place dark brown felt behind the head/chest area of the tunic with the hair/beard/face on top and sew around the outside of the head (hair/beard), catching the tunic in between at the bottom. Cut out the head around the top and trim at the bottom on the back side at the same width from the sewing as the rest of the head.

Use the awl to make holes in the hands and ankles and use a darning needle to make the hole wider.


Difficulty Level = Easy, plus No-Sew Version.

A very easy and quick quiet book page. 
Just use hot glue wherever sewing is recommended for a no sew version, but make sure you don't put glue where you want to put the holes in the hands and feet.

Key Learning Areas and Skills

  • Ephesians 3 - God's love is so wide/long/high/deep - let's pray that we will be filled with the measure of all the fullness of God
  • Imaginative play - Jesus dwells in our hearts, His love is wide like His arms are stretched wide
  • Hand-eye Co-ordination - all quiet books encourage hand-eye co-ordination

Read the Chapter

Ephesians 3


I have had this idea churning around for a while. I remember as a child in Bible class we used to hold hearts up similar to this on a stick with a picture of Jesus inside while we sang "Into My Heart".

As I grew up, I started thinking about whether this was a concept that came from the Bible or not. More often, it is the Holy Spirit which is said to live in our hearts. I guess Ephesians 3 is more of an abstract idea due to having faith, rather than Jesus actually living in our hearts. I think the only other place the Bible talks about Jesus (rather than the Holy Spirit) being in our hearts is 2 Corinthians 4, where Jesus' face shines in our hearts. I think this is also alluding to the idea that others ought to be able to see Jesus' love shining out from our hearts, just as we can feel the happiness and peace within. 

Truth Songs

Faith in Christ gives Gentiles access to God too, and we can share the inheritance. In this way, Christ can dwell in our hearts. And we will begin to understand the immeasurable love Jesus has for us. This love is beyond knowledge. Knowledge alone would not cause someone to die in someone else's place. It is only great love that would move someone enough to do that. I made Jesus with his arms outstretched and nail holes in his hands and feet so we can grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ in some small way.

Follow Faith and Felt Obsession on FacebookPinterest and You Tube

Does this quiet book page make you reminisce or remind you of something? Comment below!

Friday, 24 August 2018

Ephesians 5 - Marriage Quiet Book Page

Ephesians 5 contains some good marriage advice and makes an analogy with marriage and Christ's relationship with His Church - the bride.

Memory Verse: " “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a great mystery, and I am applying it to Christ and the church. Each of you, however, should love his wife as himself, and a wife should respect her husband.” Ephesians 5:31-33.

Materials needed to create the Marriage quiet book page:

  • A4 felt background sheet - I used yellow.
  • ivory satin scraps - mine came from my Mum's wedding dress to my Dad
  • wadding scraps
  • ivory lace edging
  • 5mm ivory ribbon scraps
  • Plastic wedding rings - I got mine from some Christmas bon-bons - bought from Supabarn if you live in Australia!
  • My free template
Using the template, cut out two pieces of satin and four pieces of wadding to size. Arrange the pieces in two piles on your page with two pieces of wadding stacked underneath each piece of satin. Pin each corner and side to the background felt. It may look bunched at this stage, but mine had no bunches when finished. I sewed around the edges twice using stitch no 13 on my sewing machine.

Melt the ends of your lace and ribbon to prevent fraying. Sew the lace to the edge to cover the stitching and turn the edge under at the end to get a nice finish. Don't forget the sew the lace on in the opposite direction on your second pillow in order to get a symmetrical look happening with the lace.

Sew your ribbons to the center of each pillow using a zig zag stitch with stitch length set to 0. Tie on your rings with a bow (then untie them and try them on)!


Difficulty Level = Easy.

Just be sure to use plenty of pins to help prevent bunching of the pillows around the edges.


Key Learning Areas and Skills

  • Ephesians 5 - marriage is an analogy to the relationship we the church have with Jesus!
  • Imaginative Play - a little girl's dream page
  • Threading - thread the rings onto the ribbons
  • Tie a knot/bow - use a knot and bow to keep the rings secured to the ring pillows
  • Fine Motor Skills - all quiet books encourage fine motor skill development
  • Hand-eye Co-ordination - all quiet books encourage hand-eye co-ordination

Read the Chapter

Ephesians 5


I find it so validating that Paul in the Bible wrote about the differing love needs of men and women before modern research discovered them. It is well documented that generally men and women feel loved in different ways. A man needs to get respect to feel loved, a woman needs love.

Apart from "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" by John Gray which I found was great, one of the best books I have read on the topic of men is "Wild At Heart" by John Eldredge. He also has one about the girls which he wrote with his wife called "Captivating" - although I have not read this one.

Follow Faith and Felt Obsession on FacebookPinterest and You Tube

What colour background would go with your toy rings? Love to read in your comments below.