Showing posts with label Bible Quiet Book Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible Quiet Book Project. Show all posts

Thursday, 16 January 2025

2 Peter 2 - Dirty Pig and Washtub Quiet Book Page

In Second Peter chapter 2, people who return to their sins are likened to dirty pigs who return to their muddy puddles after being scrubbed in a washtub.

Memory Verse: It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.” 2 Peter 2:21-22.


Materials needed to create the Dirty Pig and Washtub quiet book page:

  • A4 felt background sheet - I used olive green
  • my free 2 Peter 2 - Dirty Pig and Washtub Quiet Book Page Template Pattern
  • sewing thread to best match the page
  • sequins for soap bubbles
  • 5 black 3mm grommets and grommet tool set
  • Felt scraps in pink, brown, gray, white, mauve
  • 30cm length of 2mm round elastic in a mauve colour to match the mauve felt
  • White rectangle button for soap
  • Ribbon scraps in black
  • pink curly shoelace to match the pink felt
  • 2 pink two-hole buttons for a snout
  • Posca felt tip fabric marker (and an iron + baking paper)
Cut out a Pig from pink felt (make sure it is facing the right way for how you want to arrange your page/book). I think it is nicer if the Pig is facing in towards the page or book when placed in the puddle and washtub.

Cut out all the mud spots for the pig, and the muddy puddle piece and splashes. Arrange the mud spots on the pig, avoiding the edges of the pig so when you sew a back on him you can sew him all together using pink thread. Sew the mud spots onto the pig.

Sew the muddy puddle to another piece of brown felt and cut it out. Arrange the muddy puddles and splashes in place on the page background, making sure there is enough room for your washtub and the pig to be placed into the puddle. Sew the muddy puddle in place along the sides and bottom edges, leaving the top open to form a pocket. Sew the splashes in place around the muddy puddles.

Cut a small length off the end of the curly shoelace and insert it in place under the pig's bottom and another piece of pink felt to form a tail. Sew around the edge of the pig - go very slowly (one stitch at a time) where the tail is inserted because it is very thick and the machine can skip stitches easily. Cut out the pig, being careful not to cut the tail off as you go around.

Use the fabric marker to add eye details to both sides of the pig and set them using an iron and baking paper as per instructions. 

Hand sew the two-buttonhole buttons in place to form a snout on either side of the pig.

Cut out the panels of the washtub and sew them in place onto another piece of gray felt. I numbered mine on the back so I wouldn't get confused with which order they go in. Cut out the washtub. 

Sew the ribbons to the front of the washtub to look like iron rings of metal holding the panels of the washtub together. The edges of the ribbon should be longer than the washtub on both sides so they can be tucked underneath later.

Cut out the back piece of the washtub. You can use the front piece as a guide so they turn out the same size. I found that the panel pieces sewn to another felt piece turned out larger than expected and my back washtub piece was a bit smaller than I wanted. 

Sew the back of the wastub onto the page background and add a grommet to each top corner of the back of the washtub, going through the background page as well.

Add two grommets to the top corners of the front of the washtub and sew it down in place over the top of the back of the washtub along the sides and bottom edges, leaving the top edge open to form a pocket. As you co around, make sure you tuck the ribbon edges underneath for a clean finish.

Cut out the white brush section of the scrubbing brush and sew it to another piece of white felt. Cut it out. 

Cut out the thankless of the scrubbing brush from mauve felt and sandwich the brush section between it and another piece of mauve felt. Sew around the edges of the handle, catching the brush section in place underneath. Cut out the scrubbing brush, being careful as you cut past the brush section.

Add a grommet to the end of the scrubbing brush handle. 

Attach the elastic to the rectangular button by threading it through and tying a knot to prevent it slipping back through. Thread the elastic through the top left grommets in the front and then back of the washtub so the elastic goes through to the back of the page. Bring it up through the top right grommets to the front of the page and attach the other end of the elastic to the scrubbing brush by threading it on and tying another knot to prevent it from slipping back through.

Hand sew on the sequins as bubbles above the washtub.

Place the pig in the muddy puddle or washtub and give him a scrub!


Difficulty Level = Intermediate.

Although easier than they seem, grommets can be intimidating - search YouTube for instructions.
Sew slowly (one stitch at a time) when sewing the tail under the pig - it is rather thick.

Key Learning Areas and Skills

  • 2 Peter 2 - we should not not return to our old ways of sin but ask God to wash us clean
  • Imaginative Play - scrub-a-dub-dub!
  • Fine Motor Skills - all quiet books encourage fine motor skill development
  • Hand-eye Co-ordination - all quiet books encourage hand-eye co-ordination

Read the Chapter

2 Peter 2


False prophets may sound righteous but their teachings sound like animal logic to God. They promise freedom whilst being slaves of depravity themselves.

God didn't spare the fallen angels, the pre-flood world, or the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah from the wages of their sin. Yet He rescued Lot and Noah. This proves He is able to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. Separating wheat from tares (which look fairly identical until the seed head is fully formed) is not a difficult task for Him. 

Being found covered in mud is much worse after you have been freshly scrubbed. It demonstrates a lack of appreciation and determination to sin. Don't turn back to Sodom. Stay on the ark. 

Ask Jesus to scrub you squeaky clean and help you from returning to the mud.

Philippians 1:6 (NLT): And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

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Which old bad habits has God helped you kick?

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Ecclesiastes 4 - Three-Stranded Cord Quiet Book Page

 In Ecclesiastes 4, Solomon praises the value of a friend.

Memory Verse: "And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NRSV).

Materials needed to create the Three-Stranded cord quiet book page:

Firstly, measure the length of shoelace you will need to fit your page. Insert pins to mark the spot where you want to sew them to the page, and one on the page where the button at the bottom will go. Plait the strands so you can see what length you will need to reach the place where you want to put a button at the bottom and mark with a pin on each strand. Once unplaited again, I found my pins were at the length of the bottom of my page (about an inch or so below the position of the button).

Sew the top end of the shoelaces down to the page in the three positions marked on the pattern (or adjust as necessary to fit your page), using a zero stitch width zig zag stitch (so it goes back and forth over the same spot). Leave enough of a tail to tie a knot over the stitching to hide it. 

Fold the other ends of the shoelaces over themselves to form loops large enough to fit comfortably over the shank button. Sew the loop closed using the same zero-length zig zag stitch. 

Tie another knot over the stitching. Cut the remainder of the shoelace off with a short tail and melt the edges if made of suitable material - see my post on How to Stop Ribbons Fraying

Hand sew down a shank button where indicated on the pattern (or adjust to your page). The shank will allow enough room for all three loops to fit under the button.

Lastly, plait the shoelaces and loop them around the shank button to keep them in place.

Difficulty Level = Easy

One of the easiest pages to make!

Key Learning Areas and Skills

  • Ecclesiastes 4 - God designed us to have friends and family - we are stronger together
  • Plaiting - learn how to do a three-stranded plait
  • Buttoning - learn how to thread a loop over a shank button
  • Fine Motor Skills - all quiet books encourage fine motor skill development
  • Hand-eye Co-ordination - all quiet books encourage hand-eye co-ordination

Read the Chapter

Ecclesiastes 4


I got the idea for this page from a myriad of Christian wedding knot-tying ceremony boards I saw on Pinterest. I loved how they incorporated an Old Testament verse with the image of a cross and the Trinity, for indeed these concepts can be found throughout the Bible.

I guess a wedding is a perfect example of the Trinity because marriage should be a unity of three - a man, a woman and God. The word used in the Shema to describe God being one is actually the same word used to describe Adam and Eve being one, so it in no way proves a unitarian viewpoint. 

The word Elohim is very interesting. "El" is singular, but the "im" suffix is plural. Although there is a Jewish view that God was speaking to the angels when He said "Let Us make man in Our image", I can't see that we were made in the image of a mixture of God and angels. 

Different versions differ in how Malachi 2:15 is translated, but the ESV is pretty awesome. "Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth."

We were created in God's image, and I believe this includes a tri-une relationship in marriage.

A three stranded cord is not easily broken.

Follow Faith and Felt Obsession on FacebookPinterest and You Tube

Do your little ones enjoy learning to plait? Comment below!